Leaving high school may seems to be fun when we were 13. That's because we can't handle the pressure at first, developing and trying to blend in with everything at high school. Same thing happens before too, during primary school. It will keep on repeating once you enrolled in college life, then the very next phase of our life where we have to deal with the real world.
It's all about meeting new people, new surrounding and new life experiences. We were meant to be like that ever since mom push us out from her, because different people different life stories that they were facing.
In another words, we are all struggling here.
Sometimes I can't count of how many struggles I've been through in this such a short time of life. When things start to turned upside down, oh only god knows how hard it is for me. Being a sober a few times because I can't seem to handle it all alone. I'm tired of leaving the places and the people I have been accustomed with. Yes, you might say "Hei that's the fun part of life. Gaining more experience and open up the circle of your friends and relatives!"
I admit it, yes it is. You are right. You are always right.
Well, that's my struggle. For a person who's literally so introvert, not to mention how my expression is that it may scares off people. That's why sometimes (most of the time actually) I just want to stay just the way it is.
Correct me if I'm wrong because writing is like reflecting yourself. In bahasa, we said it as 'muhasabah diri'.
I'm pretty sure you also got your own struggles and sometimes you can't seem to convey it properly to people. Why? Is it because you are too afraid that they won't accept it, or that they will judge you so hard or maybe perhaps that they wouldn't care?
Sesombong or se-ignorant or sesejuk mana pun hati seorang manusia yang kau lihat melalui mata kasar kau, they will listen. Sebab memang sejak azali, Allah ada tanam satu benih kasih jauh di dalam lubuk hati masing-masing. Kerna Dia tu Maha Pengasih, dan Dia mengajar kita untuk mempunyai sifat kasih sayang sesama insan.
Kalau kau dah tak tahan, just go tell someone that you feel comfortable to share with. Your struggles is not just for you to keep it alone. Who knows you might inspire the people around you, to teach them to be stronger and be more grateful with everything they have in life. Then, that'll make you as the hero.
'Different place different life.'
-Show Me Love by The Wanted-
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