Sum Up of My Little Eid'Mubarak

Assalamualaikum and greetings people :)

I know it has been a long time since I posted something here. What can I do with a lot of bunch of assignments to be done and yes, studying law is not easy as anyone might imagine. You got to read more and of course need to memorise everything from the philosophers' definition of law until the topic of articles in law. 

Before that, I would like to wish a happy eid'mubarak to every mosleems around the world. May your eid washed full with blessings and joy. Ameen :)

Baru jaa pun ni balik dari kampung sana dekat Semporna. Walaupun sekejap seja, it's worth for me to stay for a while at my kampung since aku mengidam berjuta kali sejak SPM habis konon mau rehatkan minda dekat kampung dan pada masa yang sama untuk search balik diri aku yang hampir tenggelam konon tidak ingat dari mana asal usul aku datang. 

Dengan krisis dunia tentang Palestin yang diserang oleh Israel dan kejadian MH17 yang baru-baru ni menimpa negara kita, memang Allah ni sayang betul sama kita hamba-hambaNYA sampai begitu sekali ujian yang Dia berikan. Allahu'akbar.

Speaking of my kampung, alhamdulillah there are a little changing there thanks to my uncle yang pegang tu kawasan Semporna walaupun sudah berjuta tahun tidak pernah bersua muka sudah, at least I didn't blame you for no reason again for not doing anything for our place. And slowly, I started to miss all the old good days where my family are at peace and for loving at each other. Heii kami mash sayang sesama senderi jugak don't worry. Just, sejak kebelakangan ni banyak ujian yang melanda keluarga kami. Hmph thank you Allah for everything.

I also got a chance to bonding with my youngest aunt. Well, we are closed then back when we were just little. Many things happen within this short-term well spent time of eid'mubarak with my family, but I feel very grateful for still having them in my life. Alhamdulillah :)

Maybe my friend is right. I'm a family-men, a person that cares much about her family more than anything. Instead of putting her friends as her second priority after Allah, her family is the second one which means friends after my family. I care too much that sometimes when things start to turn upside down in my family, I hurt too much then. My aunt also taught me that, as the eldest grandchildren, I don't have to interpret our family's problem. All I have to do is to make sure my bonds with my siblings, and cousins are well taken care of. Other than that, I also have to let go the past that has turned me into a hardcore. 

Until then. Syukran :)

#PrayForMH370 #JusticeForMH17 #FreePalestine #ISupportPalestineAlways #PalestineWillBeFree.


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